St. Thomas the Apostle
Once in 1976, Nancy and Dan were asleep in a big room in their small house. Nancy awoke early so she made her tea. She saw a piece of paper and she liked being clean so she picked it up. It said, “Black robber costume.” She couldn’t explain this, so she called a detective. Nancy had just got her sip of tea while waiting for the detective. “What a racket that dog is making!” said Dan.
Just then, the detectives came. He noticed a hair, fingerprints, and a mask. He shouted, “A robber! You will get $30 tomorrow! Good evening!” the detective shouted.
“Wait! We need it by tonight!” said Nancy.
“Fine! Go get some soup!” he screamed. He handed them $30 then shut the door.
“What a rude man,” said Nancy. Nancy got some soup and cooked it for dinner. The detective came inside their house.
“I know who stole the money! According to DNA he lives on South Street. I called the wife and she gave the address.” said the detective. He was at the grocery market so he got the license plate and followed him. They knocked down food chasing the man. The detective had handcuffs.
“I confess!” said the robber. “I stole the money, because I am a poor beggar so I bought some wood for a house,” he said.
“Well your new house is a jail cell!” said the detective. The end.
Nancy said she felt sorry and he was freed.