Angell Elementary
There once was a library next to an airport. A loud library. There was lots of shhhhs and zooms. Everyday, everyone who came to the library was annoyed of the loud sounds.
One day, an inspector came and said, “I will shut down your library if you don’t keep your library quiet!”
“Shhhhh!” Everybody yelled back. Suddenly, a VRROOOM and a WHOOOSH went by. Then the inspector stomped away stomp! stomp! stomp!
The next day, the inspector came again. This time, when he came, everybody was quiet. So quiet, no one made a peep. You couldn’t even hear anyone’s footsteps. The inspector thought they were so quiet, he left and didn’t close down the library.
After he left, they had a big celebration! KAAABOOM! They had fireworks. Then they never made a peep in the library again.