Spies are Scared of Turtles

Spies are Scared of Turtles
Current Issue: Winter 2017

How to Be Kind to Cupcakes

Karter Tamblyn, Age 8
Ann Arbor Learning Center

Once upon a time there lived a girl. Her name was Hannah. One day, Hannah ate a cupcake. Hannah then went to jail, because she broke the rules of no eating cupcakes.
  1. Bake them
  2. Put frosting on them
  3. Put sprinkles on them
  4. Don’t eat them
  5. Say hello
  6. Keep them
  7. Don’t touch them
  8. Say goodnight to them
  9. If you eat the cupcakes, other cupcakes will attack you.
  10. Never let Hannah eat another cupcake in her life. “You can’t eat me, I’m living!!”