Brand name: Bots
Phone number: (734) 644-beep
Slogan: Beep beep beep beep! I’m a Robot!
Target customer: Monstbot
Product description: This product description is based on robots. It will have robots that serve you food, and give you drinks, and do anything a regular person would serve you.
- Robots will serve you food at a restaurant as if a human would.
- They will bring you anything you want.
- They will bring you a huge tray of all the desserts.
- The robots will speak any language or accent.
- They will lead you to the table or booth you want.
- They will have a button for you to press for a button for an iPod for a menu.
- They will tell you jokes and make you laugh.
Scene 2: It will show the menu and a clear-talking robot would be speaking over the camera saying the few things that you can buy: french fries, steak, macaroni and cheese, pizza.
Scene 3: Shows robot serving the target customer, Monstbot! The target customer tries the food he ordered… THE TARGET CUSTOMER LOVES HIS STEAK!! YAY!!!!!!!