Spies are Scared of Turtles

Current Issue: Winter 2017
Spies are Scared of Turtles
Julia Cross, 9
Honey Creek Elementary
I am a turtle. My name is Sheldon Shelly the eighteenth, and you know what cracks me up? Turtles make spies go hysterical. In other words, spies are scared of turtles, and it so happens my neighbor is a spy. So I get my skateboard and zoom to his house, thankfully he never closes the windows. Kaplop!
Oh my gosh! I haven’t been here in sooo long—I forgot there was a counter. Anyway, I made a path through a series of magnifying glasses and boy, did Sherlock get a scare. But he faced his fears and tried to catch me. Luckily, I escaped through the fairy door. I never knew why Sherlock Holmes was scared of such a silly tortoise, but maybe it was because I dressed up as a ghost. But now that I look in the mirror I am kind of creep—I AM SO SCARED.
Julia Cross,
Winter 2017