Spies are Scared of Turtles

Current Issue: Winter 2017
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Sam Harrell, 11
Tappan Middle School
It was a normal day. I was eating cereal. I was eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch. It was so good. It was a Saturday. I fell asleep like normal. When I awoke, I was in a bowl of milk. I was so confused. I looked around, up, and down. I looked beige with no clothes. Was I Cinnamon Toast Crunch? Can’t be. I jumped out. I saw a very large bag of cereal. I jumped into it. I popped out as a bird. I was now even more confused. I was so hungry, I tried to eat like a bird. I went to dive into the water. I turned into a light bulb. Life is crazy, I thought. I was soooo tired I just stayed a light bulb till morning. When I awoke I was a human. I was so happy. I am never eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch again.
Sam Harrell,
Winter 2017