Spies are Scared of Turtles

Spies are Scared of Turtles
Current Issue: Winter 2017

He Didn’t Follow the Rules

Lily Massie, age 12
Scarlett Middle School

There was a monster and he wanted to explore, so he decided to come to Ann Arbor. He had decided to go ice skating, because he had never gone before. Where he used to live, once every monster was old enough, they would get a human. They would live under the human’s bed until the human realized that monsters were really nice. After that the monster would go back to where they grew up and live there. But he was not a good monster and he didn’t follow the rules, so one day he had escaped his human and ran away.

So now he is in Ann Arbor exploring and looking for an ice rink. He is the first ever monster to go out from under his human’s bed. He wants to prove that monsters can get along with humans. It’s in the middle of December and it’s freezing cold, and he decided to go to get hot chocolate. He finds a Biggby’s and decides to go in. He gets his hot chocolate and he sits in a seat next to the window. He looks outside and sees the ice rink with a bunch of little kids playing. So he finishes his hot chocolate and runs outside to the ice rink. He puts his ice skates on and he looks around.