Spies are Scared of Turtles

Spies are Scared of Turtles
Current Issue: Winter 2017


Maia Sears, age 11
Fortis Academy

Dear People of Michigan,

I’m not really just talking about Michiganders! I’m talking about the people that talk bad about pitbulls. I have my own dog that is a pitbull, and his name Peanut Butter. 

Me and my family adopted Peanut Butter at a dog shelter in Huron Valley. Me and my family love him so much! Unfortunately, we don’t take him on walks very often. We are afraid that people will feel threatened or scared by him! So we try not to let him see too many strangers out in public. We are not taking any chances!! You are the ones that are afraid from him! My pitbull is probably more scared of you than you will ever be of him!! Peanut Butter was so scared when we first saw him. At first we saw him in a huge cage in the shelter. We wanted to meet him so we got put in a room with him and Peanut Butter was so scared of us. I know that I would never do anything to an animal to harm it in any way, shape, or form. Anyway, Peanut Butter was trying to get used to us, but I guess his body refused. I know that because he was shaking like a horse trying to get flies off of it! He was acting like he was having a seizure! I was actually concerned! Although, I think me and Peanut Butter REALLY CLICKED!! If you just give them a chance they won’t be very scary. Saying that pitbulls are bad is just an offensive stereotype. It isn’t very nice to say. It’s not like the dogs will understand you, but just to not hurt people’s feelings about their love of pitbulls, I suggest that you don’t say that. Especially in public!! Love dogs FOREVER!! I always like to say to my dog: