Zander Richardson, Age 6, Burns Park Elementary
Wesley Roberts, Age 7, Eberwhite Elementary
Scare Scream: [stomps down into the stadium and has an evil grin]
Spikey Man: Do you want to play football?
Scare Scream: [deep voice] I don’t have hands. If I play I will destroy the ball.
Spikey Man: Do you want to read some books? Like, cowboy books?
Scare Scream: Maybe, but what is a cowboy?
Spikey Man: They are from the desert and the Old West with old fashioned hats and small masks and sometimes with small guns.
Scare Scream: Oh, so you mean blasters.
Spikey Man: No! Not that new. They are the oldest guns.
Scare Scream: Wait, did I land on Earth in my pod?
Spikey Man: Let’s end this conversation now, okay? We can read cowboy books, please!!!
Scare Scream: Fine. I am ten thousand light-years behind on this planet.
Spikey Man: How ‘bout I show you around?
Scare Scream: Okay.