Spies are Scared of Turtles

Spies are Scared of Turtles
Current Issue: Winter 2017

Designer Dilemma

Meredith Fischer, Age 8
St. Thomas

Chapter One

Meredith sewed the last purple flower on the blue, silky, layered dress. “Done!” She had just finished the last dress for her collection that she would wear in the fashion contest. Her six-year-old sister Linda stomped up the stairs. “Be quiet!” she grumbled and hopped to her room. Meredith sighed, looked at her dress, and smiled to congratulate herself. When she woke up, she gradually got up from the floor next to the empty mannequin. What? she thought. She scavenged for her designs: none. She grabbed her jean jacket, and then her holographic webcam started to ring. She pressed the button on her web bzzzz. It was a message from her friend telling her she was competing in a fashion contest. It started to rain. She ran to the indoor contest. She was halfway through the contest when a black masked girl came out wearing Meredith’s collection!