Marcus just lept into the Grand Canyon, climbed up on a creeper, saved a dog, and earned a medal of honor. #SuperCat #Allinaday #MEOW
He keeps on sitting on my favorite fluffy pink chair and I think it is just a matter of time before he starts his own little “Pink Chair” city! :-) #chaircity
Marcus has expressed a strange interest in fencing. However I think he needs to keep practicing- his sword keeps on making him topple over. #Sword1,Marcus0
Marcus has expressed a strange interest in fencing. However I think he needs to keep practicing- his sword keeps on making him topple over. #Sword1,Marcus0
IfgiPPPy lystszxx #marcustyping
Marcus muddled hashtags and waffles and it gave him indigestion, but now he is a twitter MASTER. #Marcus#
Marcus muddled hashtags and waffles and it gave him indigestion, but now he is a twitter MASTER. #Marcus#